Monday, October 22, 2007


Yeah, so word..... its like 11:33PM on Sunday night October 21st..... So last night was Clint's surprise Birthday Party.... What a fucking fun time that was!!!!!! Shit yeah man,.... drank 4 batches of Sandy Vagina's..... man they were good!!! Clint had a cup, Scotty had a few cups... Geoff had one, and Jake too I think.... Ohh yeah, and I stared the night out with 6 doobies,,,, and man, every time I went I tried to bring different people with me... and shit dude,,, Corey's brother Curt,,, is fucking hilarious!!! he came with mostly every time I think.... And yeah, man, it was a good night!!! ohh shit yeah, I forgot, but I wrestled with Mo-Town..... accidently made him bleed somehow.... his wife wasn't too happy, but it was still a good time... So yeah, I think Next UFC, I'm going to challenge Mo..... we'll see what I now by that time...
So yeah, hopefully if everything goes as planned,, i'll be starting Muay Thai 2morrow.... thats the plan as of now... so hopefully it goes thru.... Anyway, I'm out for now... till later... l8a Days...

Friday, October 19, 2007

My Other....

Man, I wish I had a twin... I know I've always said that the world couldn't hold 2 of me's,,, but shit dude, if there was 2 me's... fuck man, what a competition that would be... we'd be the best at everything!.... I recently found out my problem... I never have the initiative to start anything... so I'm thinking if I had a twin,,, we'd both have no problem with that because we'd always want to outdo the other... Anyway,,, I'm really pissed off now... I've been a tart and did some snooping around and I read something that kinda bothered me... it really shouldn't but whatever.... I just wish that life just got better... I wish that it came to me, what ever it is that I want...

Anyway,, like I said, I'm just kinda frustrated with life and how its going right now.... I just wish things could go way back to when things were so much more easy and less complicated...
I dunno man, but for some reason, when ever I think back to when things were easy and stuff,,, I think of the time I spent with Emily... It seems like it was soo good..... like, I wish I had that lifestyle.... I almost wish I could go back to school.... I know thats fucked for ME to say... but shit dude, I kinda liked that ... lifestyle... I liked when I had a social life... now the only friends I have are people from work... Fuck man, I hate the life I have out here... the only thing I like is the money.... and now man, I'm thinking it's almost not worth it... like, don't get me wrong, its good to have money, but money isn't the world.... But I dunno man, its like,, ,if I wasn't to be here in Edmonton making money,,, where would I be? where should I go? What do I want to do?

Well My rant is done for 2night, I'm heading to bed... L8a Days...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weird Past Couple of Days...

Yeah man,... Fuck has it ever been a weird end of the week.... so shit, my last update was wednesday the 10th... now Thursday kinda sucked, and I was damn ready to quit at the very first of the day, and as the day progressed,,, man I'm not sure how I stayed there the whole day.... I wanted to quit so bad and just go out to Jasper with my bro when he goes out.... Fuck man, that would have been such a good plan, and man, I'm thinking it could have gone really well.... But no... I guess Geoff got the phone call Thursday night that they don't need anyone out on that job... so it pretty much just flew out the window!!!! So that really fucking sucked!!! So that means I'm stuck here again, still,.... With nothing to do, nothing to build on, no goal... no life..... I fucking hate this shit!!! It just feels like I'm going nowhere!!!! I don't know what I want, or what I want to do in life... and I know that staying at Inotec is NOT going to get me anywhere!!!! Its just another dead end!!! And honestly, I only went to martial arts once last week... and don't get me wrong, it was pretty cool,, but its not quite what I was expecting... Hopefully this week will be different tho... I dunno we'll find out I guess.....

Wow, long time of space out... sorry bout that.... last time I wrote was literally 1 hour ago... lol.... So yeah, in that time, Megan Mackay called me... shit yeah, Sounds like she's doing as good as I am right now... which sucks really bad.... I told her she could come move out here and start new again... but I don't know if that was a good idea, cuz I don't know if I wanna stick around here anymore..... But shit dude, where to? where the fuck should I go? What do I want to do? It's just so difficult to start over somewhere else all over again!!! I fucking hate doing that!! Starting over, with nothing,, having to build from nothing up all over again!!! Atleast if I stick it out out here for a while longer, I still have everything I need... I'm set for all essential easy life living objects..... I have a pretty sweet queen sized water bed... a decent dresser and mirror... a nice size closet... with some some cool cloths.... A pretty sweet computer desk, chair, and computor, with speakers, subwoofer, and a 19" flat screen wide screen monitor..... Thats just my room of stuff... Like, life is pretty simple right now if I get by work, and room mates, and all things that mattered... lol, I'm just going crazy because I feel like I should be doing something with my life, instead of just wasting it doing the same thing day after day... But I don't know what this is that I want....

ok another 15 min space out... I'm gonna stop for now, But I'm pretty sure I'll be writing again in this later 2night.... so till then... L8a Days....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

First day back on Days...

Yup, so today is officially over... its only a few mins till 12,,,, So yeah, I survived the first day back on Days... And it was.... well,,, not really eventfull... but I got alot done... sprayed 2, 4 and 3/4 inch bearing mandrels with 75B and carbide... so yeah, I had stuff to do all day long which was nice... but the others had to paint eventuelly.... So yeah, that was work... Then we got off at 4PM,.,, went home, had some food, then it was off to my first night at BJJ.... pretty sweet I must say..., then at the end of the night, I signed up,,, got my mouth guard, and they were all out of Gui's so I have to wait till they get some in stock... kinda shitty, but whatever... So yeah, thats it I guess.... I'm going to have a shower and get to bed.. l8a days

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Days 2morrow...

So, tomorrow, it begins... Dayshift..... Man, is it ever going to be wierd... I have to get up tomorrow at 5:20AM.... work till 4PM,,, then go to Brazilian Ju Jitzu at 7PM.... So atleast it should be interesting days from now on.... I dunno, I'm really hoping that the martial arts will make up for the shitty work... but i'll just have to wait and see.... Man, I'm kinda almost excitted to go to work 2morrow, for so many reasons.... I'm just intersted in what they do on Day shift... Plus I can't wait to start proving myself in front of all of them... Well, I'll try not to rub anything in or anything, but I'm most definetly not takin' any shit from anyone,, well besides Cory,, but other then that, I have more experience then both Wes and Jasmine put together, and Paulie only started like half a year before I did,,, I know he's prolly more "experienced" in the way of theory, and technique, but I think I could outspray him in the long run... Still as of now, I'll still go to Paulie, but not Jasmine or Wes...
I dunno, I kinda hope that they come to me with their problems so I can solve them... that should show something...
Anyway, I'm gonna get going now I think, try to get a good atleast 5 hours of sleep... till 2morrow, to which I'll prolly update... L8a Days..

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Jesus fucking christ... the stupid mother fucking dog!!!! If Jake doesn't start doing something about that stupid little fucker, I'm going to fuckign shoot the little shit, or just let him out of the house and see how far the stupid fuck gets before a god damn truck plows him over!!! Like what the fuck goes through a dogs head? Hey look, theres the humans stuff, lets chew the shit out of it, so when they find it, they can beat the shit out of me./... like honestly, what the fuck, his chew toys are everywhere around the house, but he has to fuckign jump up on the kitchen counter and grab my fucking sunglasses and chew them to shit!... fuck man, I'm seriously thinking Animal brutality isn't that bad right now. Fuck there's nothing I'd like to do more right now then take a fucking baseball bat and beat the living shit out of that stupid mother fucking dog!!!!!! He'll never get fucking better as long as no ones doing anything about it,. and fuck man, Jake is doing absofuckinglutely nothing about the stupid mutt.......

Anyway, enough about how stupid the fuckign dog is.... I'm going back to Day shift starting on Monday... Fuck I'm really looking forward to being on days.. just not working on days.... lol,,, I don't know how long I'm going to last with everyone, and all their stupid bullshit... but atleast i'll be able to do the Muay Thai, and Brazilian Juijitsu..... Thats all I want right now.... Anyway, I'm gonna go have a shower,,, l8a days..

Monday, October 01, 2007

Been A While.....

Yeah man, it has been a while since my last report.... Well, not much has really changed I guess... I can't overly remember what I wrote down in my last blog, but it was 2 weeks ago, and now its October 1st.... Wow..... We'll be officially living in this house for 1 full year on October 13th.... Fuck man, and that might be just around when I start, hopefully, " A New Life".... So here's my big plan....

Jake told Cory on Friday that I was interested in going back to Days, (to which I am...) So Cory just walked away thinking about it... fine and dandy.... So I'm going to ask him tomorrow if I can starting next monday,... Now, I really hope that I can either start soon, or soon.... even if I know that I'll be able to go back sometimes.... that'd be cool enough for me!!! cuz really I just want to go back on to Days because Jake is taking this Brizilian Juijitsu class on Tuesdays and Thursdays... and a Muay Thai class on Monday and Wednesdays... So I'm really hoping that I'll get back to days so I can get into these classes too man... like shit,,, that would be my life for a while!!! I know I wouldn't get bored with one, let alone both of them... 4 times a week i'll be training!!! that'll be fucking awesome!!! Anyway, I'm also planning on quitting smoking weed as of now.. which is October first.... So all I will need to do after I get back to days, and start my training, will be to start eating right.... Start some serious diets and shit, good meals... that plus my work out at the gyms at the classes will make me in such good health!!! I'm looking forward to it soo much! So really, I'm just hoping to fuck that I can get back on to days!!!

On that note, I'm not sure what else to say, so, I'm going to bed... L8a days..