Thursday, August 30, 2012

quick post

Alright this is gonna be quick cuz I wanna go to bed.... Work was ok today... gun is stilll giving me problems, but it worked ok..... Got the case done and out just after lunch,, then started spraying two wear rings.... so I think I'll go in for 6:30 2morrow morning, and get a nice hour of OT... not to sure if I'll go to kickboxing or not.... we'll see... oh, and I found out that I am going to Calgary this weekend... lol, Barett hooked me up with a ride,,, and reminded me that monday was aholiday... so yeah, I guess I'm gonna go... so thats friday night.... anyway, I guess thats it for now... I'm off to bed....
L8a Days...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monday night

Yup... This is gonna be a shitty week.... Had so many problems with the gun at work today... Stupid combustion pressure.... and I even called Cory to ask for help and he just said check for leaks, which I did and repaired..... I dunno what the fuck is wrong with it,,, Ijust hope it works better 2morrow... if not, I'm gonna try taking the whole thing apart,,,, see how that goes.... Anyway,,, Other then that,,,  not much else is going on... I didn't do anything tonight... I went to Cory's place for a little bit,,,, he filled my biked tires which was sweet,,, they were back down to 20 PSI again,,, so he put them back up to 50.... tomorrows bike ride should be nice and easy...  then Muay Thai tomorrow night... my last two classes till after I get back from PEI... Yeah, not really super excited bout class tomorrow night..... Oh, and I'm supposed to go to Calgary this weekend to go visit Barett,,,, but I don't really wanna go down right now.... money is not that good right now, with the wedding coming up and rent I gotta pay while on PEI... I just don't think its a great idea right now,, I just don't know how to tell Barett... Like it would be sweet to go, but Im just not up for it right now.... I dunno, we'll see how that goes....  But yeah,, its already 10:30, so I should be getting to sleep... Till later....
L8a Days...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday night already....

So here it is,,, Sunday night... 10:01 PM.... sitting in my chair by the door to the balcony in my apartment... having my last smoke for the day before I get ready for bed....I'd say it was a productive day... but it really wasn't... I slept in till almost noon today, which was nice, I'm not complaining,,, I did say I wanted to catch up on my sleep, so I guess I did..... And I did go to the grocery store and picked up some essentials for this week, so today wasn't a total write off...  Plus I did get to skype with Emily a few times,,, as well as finishing up Starcraft 2 on the computer... So yeah, iguess I did do some good stuff today... Oh, and I also did the dishes, and some cleaning, aswell as took out the garbage...
Anyway, thats all good and stuff I guess,,, it just feels like I'm not doing much these days...  I guess I'm not really doing anything besides working and trying to save I guess for my days to be boring is a good thing...
So I caved and finally started season 3 of Sons of anarchy... I couldn't wait any longer... its a good show,,, keeps my attention, and always keeps me guessing.. I like it....
But I have been craving to watch Fight Club lately... I guess I just haven't seen it in too long....  Speeking of.,.. I should go to kickboxing this week... my last week before my month off from it... Only 3 more working weeks till I fly HOME!!! I'm excited, scared, and nervous all at the same time.. I'm so stoked to go home and see everyone again,,,  Especially Emily...  But at the same time this wedding thing has got me nervous as shit! Granted I'm sure Emily and I will be fine as husband and wife,,,, but the whole process of getting there is what worries me.... Like this whole wedding planning thing... its stressing the shit out of Emily,.... I see it ever time I talk to her. she's stressed out about one thing or another,,,, and she just has all of it on her shoulders... it kinda sucks that I can't be there and help at all...  Like I'm sure I wouldn't of been much help if I was there,,, but atleast I could calm her down a little... Ohhh I don't know... maybe I'm just talking outta my ass,,, but this whole being away thing may be starting to get to me a little.... I know I want to be out here,,,, ,for now, and for the next little while..., and I'm really excited to have Emily come out here with me... but I know its gonna kill the both of us to be out here and away from home for so long... Even if it only ends up being a year or so,,, Emily is going to miss home a lot... and I willl too,,, maybe not as much as her,,, but still, we'll miss home...  I just hope that we can save up as much as we plan to over this next year... Idealy I would like to stay for 2, maybe 3 years, and save as much as we could in that time,,, which would prolly be a good chunk... but we'll see what she thinks at the 1 year mark... it will most likely depend on what kind of job she gets... cuz as long as there is work for me to do,,, I'll tough it out.... I know how good of money I can make working a this place... with the good wage, and all the available OT..... I think this could be a good year or more!.... But anyway,,,, I should get to sleep,,, its almost 10:30.... Bed time for me now.... So tilll the next time....
L8a Days...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

day 2

Wow, I remembered... so yeah, this is gonnna be short, I'm heading to bed now,,, just finished the second last episode of season two of Sons of Anarchy... great show!.... So what happened today.... not much really,,, Sprayed a piece that took me all day, not sure why really,,, stupid discharge head,,,, I think my thickness guage is outta whack, but whatever... Then I biked home,,, left at 4pm... skipped Muay thai class 2night... my neck kinda hurt... so yeah, then I skyped wiht tony, and then with Emily... then yeah sons of anarchy.... So yeah, thats bout it,,, I don't feel like writting a bunch of stuff 2night... so with that,,, im gonna head to bed.... night
L8a Days...

Monday, August 20, 2012

A New life

August 19,10:22PM, Leduc Alberta time... I'm gonna try to make this fairly quick, considering I have to wake up to go to work at 5AM tomorrow morning...  Wow.... I know its going to be hard to catch up on everything after not posting in such a long time,,, but I'll see what I can do....  
So I'm back out west... Living in Leduc Alberta... just south of Edmonton where I lived before... Working at a new place, with one of my old co workers... Work is going alright so far,(I have only been working there for 2 and a half months now).. Although life is kinda hard.... I'm engaged to Miss Emily T now.... I know shocking right? I'm sure I'll go on many rants about this, but for now, alll I need to say is things are going pretty good, even though we are spending pretty much the entire engagement apart....  I'm all set up to fly home in a little less than 4 weeks... get married in 5...   Really excited for this!!! its going to be a fantastic time! And without getting too much into it, I'm really excited to start my life with Emily... we already started making plans and have Ideas to do great things.... so yeah thats that.....  Uhmmm what else.... ...    still smokin.... just fills the time.... I dunno, I'm gonna look at that once life gets into a groove here.... I also started doing Muay Thai out here.... thats pretty neat... so I'll definetly be keeping updates on that.....  But yeah, I think for now thats about it... I gottta go to sleep here, I have just been thinking over the past week and a bit that I should go back to the good old blog and write some shit down.... I would love to say that I'm going to try to start writing in this often again,, ,but we all know what happens when I do that....,  So I'm goin to try to write in it whenever I think of it,, which may be often considering the free time I have on my hands... but we'll see... So I hope this becomes an often thing, but we'll just have to wait and see... So,, till hopefully sometime soon,,,,

L8a Days...