Monday, August 13, 2007

A Good Weekend....

So here it is Monday morning... 8:30 AM,,,, Teri left a little while ago, so I mad some breakfast, and decided I'd write a blog before I went back to bed for a few hours.... Well maybe,,, if I sleep at all..

So yeah man, I went' camping this weekend with Teri... And I must say I had a pretty good time.... like all in all,, it was a fun time!... So the girls that went (Teri and Zoa, Leslie and Haily, Heather, Sherry and Seren) all went out on Wednesday day, so they were camping for 2 days before Travis and I got there..... Ohh shit, but yeah, when Trav and I were driving on our way to the campground, the fucking car died!!! it was kinda funny and shitty at the same time.... but it was all good because he drank a few beers, and I had a doobie while we tried to fix it for a while, then when we decided to start walking, we only made it about 100 meters or so before this car stops, and turns around and starts coming towards us... So they tried to help us out with the car for a little bit, but we had no success, so these 3 guys give us a ride to the campground!!! so that was fucking cool man, we had a few more beers with them and stuff before they left, and then Travis and I took Teri's car to his broken down car to get the rest of our shit!... So then the rest of that night we all pretty much just drank our faces off at the campfire... smoked a few more doobies with some of the girls.... Then Saturday when I woke up we had breakfast at about noonish to 1PM... had a shower and all that jazz.... Then we went down to the was pretty nice, just played some Frisbee for a little bit, had some food and stuff... then when we went back to our campsite (Teri and I had 1 campsite, and The rest of the girls had another campsite...)and had a little nap... Then when I woke up I went to the girls' campsite to join in on the campfire festivities.... Then I had the bright idea to make some shroom tee... So I did,,,, so stealthily I crushed some shrooms up and put them into my tee ball and boiled some water and poured myself a small little cup... the tee ball was bearly fully covered in water... so I slowly sipped on that for a while by the fire with everyone having a good time... then when I finished my first cup (and wasn't feeling anything) I decided to start another... so I got the water and some more shrooms, and did it up... sat down by the fire.... had like anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 before I totally just started to trip staring at the fire and stuff,.,, Then Trav looks at me and says "Dude, can I have some tee?" so instead of making him his own cup, I just cave him mine and walked away to Teri and I's campsite....woke her and Zoa up(because she asked me to when everyone else was eating) So they left and I stayed there by myself for the longest time man,... trippin' balls!!! man, it was such a good time,,, smoked a few doobies to myself while I was trippin'..... Then Trav came over and got me,so we both went back and chilled with the girls,, of course they all knew by that time... but it was still a fun time!!! They were all drinking and singing and partying and stuff, so it all fit,,,then we eventually went to sleep and woke up on Sunday and tore the whole camp down and packed everything up and left.... Teri and I showered and stuff when we got to her place, had a little little nap... then we came back to my place and slept here for the night.... Thus bringing it up to now so with that... I'm out... L8a Days...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Camping This Weekend...

Yup, I'm heading out to see Teri and Zoa to camp for Friday and Saturday night... should be a pretty good time,,, I have a good 15 doobies to accompany me.... So yeah, then i'll be getting back sometime on Sunday I think,.,, to which, my bro, Tommy, Chris, and Pineau will be here.... so that should be interesting..... Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep for 2morrow, so till later... L8a days..

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Aug 8... Zoa's B-Day!

Yup, so its Zoa's 2nd Birthday today!!! Man, Time flies!!!! Shit and shes' not even my daughter but I've seen her grow so much already! Anyway, thats just a starter subject I guess...

Holy Crap is life ever taking a turn..... I just don't know what to do anymore..... Like the house I'm in is kinda driving me crazy right now.... My brother comes out here in like 3 days... I'm really not looking forward to going back to work... Teri might be moving to Nanimo.... Fuck dude, I just don't know what to do anymore.... Fuck man, some days I just wanna snap the fuck out of this stupid depression stage and get my fucking life back on track... and really, I don't know why I haven't already.... It's just so hard to change like that... I mean, I know everyone says start small and just working on accomplishing small things first... then everything will come together.... Well, Theres so many things to change I don't know where to start... It might be that I want to change too many things... Because, To be honest, I really don't like the person I am right now.... Some people like me, some people hate me.... but when it comes down to it all,,, it shouldn't be what other people think of you... its what you think of yourself... and I really don't like the person I am... It's almost like I'm wasting something.... I know I'm wasting my physical and mental abilities every day!... I just need to find something where I can exert both of those to my full capacity!

Man, I miss Tony!!!! Fuck dude, I miss that guy so much man, it fucking sucks! I didn't even get to know him half as well as I wanted to.... Like, shit dude, Tony and I only became really good friends/brothers when we started smoking pot and shit,,, like I never really hung around with Tony for longer then a few weeks at a time since he's moved out like 6-7-8 years ago.... Fuck dude, it just sucks because he's like my idol and I never get to see him anymore! The next time I see him will most likely be Christmas.... like how fucking gay is that!?!?! 1 full year will be the time gone past since I'll see him....

I gotta get another tattoo soon!!! I have my feet/shin tattoo designs done,, I just need to do them to scale, then go to the shop,,,, where ever , and when ever that may be.... I need to start getting bigger for my arm/back tattoo... That design needs some tweaking.....

Anyway, I know I've been jumping from random topic to random topic, but I was kinda drifting in and out there,,, Anyway, till later... L8a days..

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Going Fucking Crazy.....

Man, I woke up this afternoon to a fucking shit hole of a house! and no one was home but Ryan(the laziest person in the world) and his brother (the second laziest person in the world)Brad, who was still sleeping.... SO I was pretty damn upset, because I no one has any respect for anyone else, as well as the house we live in... It's just pathetic how everyone is so lazy for doing anything! They leave all their shit everywhere, they don't even put shit in the garbage cans, and they'll leave half drank beer bottles everywhere around the house for days!!! Its fucking ridiculous!!! I'm not going to renew the lease with these guys in October, fuck that shit man, there's no way I'll be able to stand this for another 6 months or a year!!! But then what do I do? I just found out a few days ago that Teri's probably moving to Nanimo and out of my life... so what now? What do I have to look forward to? I have a shitty mother fucking dead end job that's fucking driving me crazy, a shitty fucking shit hole of a house to live in with stupid ignorant asshole roommates, and the only thing keeping me sane (my wicked awesome girlfriend) is moving away.... I really don't know what the fuck I'm going to do here.... I'm getting kinda scared as the days count down.... Till next time... L8a Days...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Why Not Just Die?

What the fuck do I have to live for now?!?!?!! I've been trying to think for a good few days now, what I have to look forward to in life.... and for the past few days, I've come up with aboso-fucking-lootly nothing!!!!! Man, I fucking hate my stupid fucking job now, its the stupidest bullshit in the fucking world dude! Like I was so damn close to walking out 2day,,, just too much stupid shit thats not my fault or problem, and I get bitched out for it, and honestly I'm fucking sick of it! I do exactly what they fucking tell me all the time, and it ususally runs good, but someone else will fuck something else up and for some reason I get the shit for it. So anyway, Fuckign working is driving me fuckign nuts!!! So I booked some time off to go home to PEI for Jeff's wedding,,, but I'm too fucking broke to afford the plan ticket,,, so I'm stuck in Edmonton for the week and a half I have off.... So I figured, hey, lets ask Teri if I can go to BC with her(to which she asked me a while ago,) so I did, and just today she sends me this message about how I don't care about her, and how I never do anything for her and stuff.... So that leaves me with........ Fucking nothing... so ya know what, I don't fucking care.... Not about her, not about my job , or money or anything... I just don't fucking care!!!! I couldn't care less if i got fired, or if we got kicked out of our house, or fuckign anything for that matter,,, I just dont give a fuck about anything, so whatever.... I'm fucking done with this shit,,,, If Teri thinks I don't care about her, and she doesn't want to see me for a week or 2,,,, Fine, Obviously I'm always the idiot that does everything wrong,,, I should have just told her that from the fucking beginning.... Sorry Teri, but You don't want to go out with, I'm just an asshole, your better off just forgetting about me now.... Seriously.... Shes going to leave me, which she should, I mean, shes told me before that I'm not right for her,,, But I'm not right for anyone... Like theres just no match for me,, I'm meant to be alone in life for ever and ever!... SO you know what, I hope she does find the perfect man for her,, because obviously its not me!! I can tell her I love (which I have, and I DO!) but it doesnt matter.... Nothing I fucking do anymore matters to anyone.... If I died today, no one would even notice.... Why not just die!?!?!