Sunday, August 05, 2007

Going Fucking Crazy.....

Man, I woke up this afternoon to a fucking shit hole of a house! and no one was home but Ryan(the laziest person in the world) and his brother (the second laziest person in the world)Brad, who was still sleeping.... SO I was pretty damn upset, because I no one has any respect for anyone else, as well as the house we live in... It's just pathetic how everyone is so lazy for doing anything! They leave all their shit everywhere, they don't even put shit in the garbage cans, and they'll leave half drank beer bottles everywhere around the house for days!!! Its fucking ridiculous!!! I'm not going to renew the lease with these guys in October, fuck that shit man, there's no way I'll be able to stand this for another 6 months or a year!!! But then what do I do? I just found out a few days ago that Teri's probably moving to Nanimo and out of my life... so what now? What do I have to look forward to? I have a shitty mother fucking dead end job that's fucking driving me crazy, a shitty fucking shit hole of a house to live in with stupid ignorant asshole roommates, and the only thing keeping me sane (my wicked awesome girlfriend) is moving away.... I really don't know what the fuck I'm going to do here.... I'm getting kinda scared as the days count down.... Till next time... L8a Days...


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