Thursday, November 30, 2006

What a Fucking Day....

Jesus, ... What a fucking shitty mother fucking day!!!! Man, theres just some people and the things they do that I just cant fucking stand!!!! Like come on here.... The fucking list is endless now. Ohh god... If its not Jarod being a total fucking tool, Or Jake talking just to hear himself, Or Brad being a lazy talkbackin' smartmouth. Fuck I cant fucking stand any of them. and I can never fuckign get away from them!!! !Jesus, I try to escape them at the end of the day at work by going home to my OWN GOD DAMN ROOM, but nooooo, they have to follow me and bum some weed off of me.... Ohh yeah more shit that they fucking take from me without EVER GETTING A FUCKING THING IN RETURN!!! FOR FUCKS SAKES!!! Why are these people soo fucking dishonest/rude/ignorent/selfish, jesus, the fucking list is endless. But anyway, they're back and prolly going to try to read this soon, so fuck them, and fuck off, jesus, just leave me the fuck alone for 10 god damn minutes!!!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

1 Month till Christmas EVE!!!!

Just think... In 1 month from 2day, I'll be back on PEI sleeping in my old bed waiting for Christmas morning to arrive.... Man I'm kinda looking forward to going home again... I was really content with being out here, but now that I have my ticket home and lots of things to look forward to, I'm stoked!!!! So yeah, thats pretty much all that I wanted to say, besides that I didn't go to work 2day and only now just realized that I probably lost like 150$ on my paycheck just for missing this 1 day... But anyway, its all good, I'm pretty sure I still have 91 hours on this check with out going in 2day... So screw it... But yeah, just wanted to remind everyone that its 1 month till Christmas Eve, and I'm super excited to go home~! Anyway, till later, L8a Days...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Nice Day....

Yup, well, it really didn't matter what I did or did not do today, because I knew it was going to be a good day...
So Last night I got a phone call... My first real phone call!!! No one asked for someone else and then me, or anything like that, but the phone was actually for me!!! And even better, guess whose on the other end? None other then Miss Emily T. The first hello would have been enough for me to be happy for weeks, but no, the conversation continued.... Man, we talked about so much crazy stuff... And everything too. Jeez she said some things that I could have only imagined in my dreams man... Like... There was a few times where I was just totally Dumbstruck! Like I couldn't think of a thing to say. Like my mind was racing with so many things I could and would want to say... But I have to slow down and think things through before I start talking... I've been trying so hard to do that lately. Not just leap into speech, but slow down and think of what exactly I want to say before I say it... Also I just really wanted to be careful of what I said to her, especially for the amount of time thats passed since us, and the specific thing we were talking about... I dunno, it was kinda awkward, but then kinda not just because it was her... I mean it's Emily, shes just the way she is, and things were just never awkward with her for some reason... I don't know why, but shes just too cool with everything... But anyway... I'm just so happy I finally talked to her, and I can't wait till Christmas holiday so I can see her again... Oh god just to see her again... Anyway... I'm just gonna stop before I get going too far too fast.... So till 2morrow, maybe later... L8a Days...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Got my ticket

Going home to PEI ON the 20th of December to January 4th... just needed to say that, now I need to eat. L8a days...

Friday, November 10, 2006


Uhh, I just accudently deleted a fairly long blog... And im damn too lazy to try to think of all those things again... Main topics were
-Plane ticket home
-christmas bonus ?
- Its friday and how happy I am
- Money and house are going well...
Uhh I think there was more, but yet again,, too lazy... L8a Days...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Still Alive!!!

Yup so Im here sitting in our house, well I guess new house... We've been in here for almost 1 full month now but anyway.... SO yeah, We (Dave, J-Rod, Brad and Jake) scored this sweet sweet house. SO for the next year atleast we'll be here...
SO anyway, its been a long time since my last post and I must say alots hapened in the time gone by.... We got the house... WOrking like crazy!!! finally got some furniture and other stuff, so the house is starting to look like a real house. Sorry, but no computor yet.,, I might just have enough money on my next paycheck to buy one, but im not sure, we'll see how much cash I have left after I hopefully buy my plane ticket home for christmas... SO yeah thats the plan for now... SO just to make sure everyone knows Im still alive, Living in Edmonton, in a sweet sweet house, so if anyone feels like a vacation, you can come stay with us for a while, we have an awsome spot.... ANyway, Im really spaced out and cant keep my train of thought for the life of me, but Im heading out, L8a days, and I'll TRY TO update more often....