Sunday morning speel
So,,, Sunday... November the 4th 2012.... 10:18 AM..... Em is at church.... her first time going out here... since we've moved to Alberta I mean... she asked me if I wanted to go with her... I kinda chuckled a bit, and said no thanks... I don't know why she would think that I'd start going to church with her out here... none of my opinions have changed about it,,,, but whatever, I'm not going to get worked up about it...
So yeah, its my day off,,, just having a little smoke now.... pretty good... although no matter how much I smoke, there's always that stupid cat doing something.... So Emily and I got a kitten like a week and a little bit ago.... and she's cute and small and funny and all that kinda fun stufff.... but she's also annoying as fuck!!!!! the friggen thing never stops!!!! its so annoying!! its a good thing that the dog is starting to play with her now, cuz that tires her out a lot! That is the whole reason we got her in the first place,,,, was to get tucker a playmate. And so far I think its working.... They keep each other busy a lot of the time... but still the cat gets to be too much!!!, But anyway,, as of right now,,, I can see both of them, and they are both asleep!!! so I'm free to have some full,, thats right, Full alone time!!!! its kinda weird,,, this almost never happens anymore,,, its kinda weird,, but I still really love having some alone time.... I get it every now and then when Emily works nights during the week,,, but usually its not for too long, and I have muay thai on tuesdays, thursdays, and fridays, so that doesn't leave me with much left.... But its still all good because we usually do get at least one day a week together,,, Like today,,, today is both of our off day... I think we're going to go to dinner and a movie.... not sure where yet, but maybe somewhere nice,, we have a bit of money now... plus I get 2 more checks this month!, thats pretty sweet... but I guess there is still a few things we want to get for the apartment... Like just last night I wanted to get this sweet projector instead of a TV... but she doesn't think its necessary... I'm not even going to get into what's necessary and what's not... but lets just say there has been some things that I've questioned that she said was "necessary",... ...
But anyway,,, I'm way too distracted to try and write right now.... so I think I'm gonna sit back and watch episode 2 of a tv show called Misfits,... I'll try to write sometime this coming week.. maybe try to make it a semi often thing now... we'll see... till then...
L8a Days...
So yeah, its my day off,,, just having a little smoke now.... pretty good... although no matter how much I smoke, there's always that stupid cat doing something.... So Emily and I got a kitten like a week and a little bit ago.... and she's cute and small and funny and all that kinda fun stufff.... but she's also annoying as fuck!!!!! the friggen thing never stops!!!! its so annoying!! its a good thing that the dog is starting to play with her now, cuz that tires her out a lot! That is the whole reason we got her in the first place,,,, was to get tucker a playmate. And so far I think its working.... They keep each other busy a lot of the time... but still the cat gets to be too much!!!, But anyway,, as of right now,,, I can see both of them, and they are both asleep!!! so I'm free to have some full,, thats right, Full alone time!!!! its kinda weird,,, this almost never happens anymore,,, its kinda weird,, but I still really love having some alone time.... I get it every now and then when Emily works nights during the week,,, but usually its not for too long, and I have muay thai on tuesdays, thursdays, and fridays, so that doesn't leave me with much left.... But its still all good because we usually do get at least one day a week together,,, Like today,,, today is both of our off day... I think we're going to go to dinner and a movie.... not sure where yet, but maybe somewhere nice,, we have a bit of money now... plus I get 2 more checks this month!, thats pretty sweet... but I guess there is still a few things we want to get for the apartment... Like just last night I wanted to get this sweet projector instead of a TV... but she doesn't think its necessary... I'm not even going to get into what's necessary and what's not... but lets just say there has been some things that I've questioned that she said was "necessary",... ...
But anyway,,, I'm way too distracted to try and write right now.... so I think I'm gonna sit back and watch episode 2 of a tv show called Misfits,... I'll try to write sometime this coming week.. maybe try to make it a semi often thing now... we'll see... till then...
L8a Days...
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