Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Jesus fucking christ... the stupid mother fucking dog!!!! If Jake doesn't start doing something about that stupid little fucker, I'm going to fuckign shoot the little shit, or just let him out of the house and see how far the stupid fuck gets before a god damn truck plows him over!!! Like what the fuck goes through a dogs head? Hey look, theres the humans stuff, lets chew the shit out of it, so when they find it, they can beat the shit out of me./... like honestly, what the fuck, his chew toys are everywhere around the house, but he has to fuckign jump up on the kitchen counter and grab my fucking sunglasses and chew them to shit!... fuck man, I'm seriously thinking Animal brutality isn't that bad right now. Fuck there's nothing I'd like to do more right now then take a fucking baseball bat and beat the living shit out of that stupid mother fucking dog!!!!!! He'll never get fucking better as long as no ones doing anything about it,. and fuck man, Jake is doing absofuckinglutely nothing about the stupid mutt.......

Anyway, enough about how stupid the fuckign dog is.... I'm going back to Day shift starting on Monday... Fuck I'm really looking forward to being on days.. just not working on days.... lol,,, I don't know how long I'm going to last with everyone, and all their stupid bullshit... but atleast i'll be able to do the Muay Thai, and Brazilian Juijitsu..... Thats all I want right now.... Anyway, I'm gonna go have a shower,,, l8a days..


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