Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning...

So its 5:35AM,,, I worked till 3 AM last night.. then when I got home, B-Rad was up. so he and I watched Blades of Glory... Fuck dude that fucking movie was hilarious! Anyway, I should be getting a shower, but I fiugred I should write something.... I get paid 2morrow, that should be nice! I know it will prolly only be a little over a grand which is gonna suck, but whatever,, I think I may start to be getting some more work soon... everyone at work seems to be quitting... so it could maybe work out in my favor for a little while.... Like shit dude,,, Next to Pat, Danilo, and Paulie,, I've been in the spray booth the longest of the rest of the people there.. I was there before Cory, Wes, Cooper, Jasmine, Aaron, J-Rod(but hes gone now) so yeah man,,, and I think Pat may leave shortly,,, Danilo, ya never now.....

So I still haven't heard back from my buddy Patty C. I know he rarely checks his e-mail, but still I'm hoping to get something back soon... I'm just listening to some Pink Floydd right now... and man it brings me back.. Shit dude, I so wish I started this blog thing way back when i was in like Junior Hight or something... Fuck dude, I've had so many good times,,, I just wish I could remember them all... Like,,, most of the times I had at Pats place, in his basement, with J-Rod, and Jamison,,, shit man, we just mostly got baked and played video games, or... watched TV... i dunno really what we did, but shit dude, it was some of the best times in my life man...

So I've been thinking... After my phone call with Tony erlyer today.... I really don't know about the military... he's really bashing it into my head not to do it!!!ohh fuck dude, I don't know what to do... all I know is, I'm going to go have a shower right now... L8a Days...


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