Friday, July 30, 2010


Its over..... just got in from a little walk with Em... and yeah... its over... she wants us to just not talk for a while... get some space and stuff... we'll have to see what happens when kick boxing starts back up in September.. but till then,, yeah, I guess we'll just go our seperate ways... no communication at all.... uh... anyway, I gotta go to bed. work in the morning....
L8a Days...

Thursday, July 29, 2010


So, here it is, 8:29PM.... Jeff Dykerman just left.. him and I spent most of the afternoon together... showed him the forts, climbed some trees, had a smoke... pretty good time... but then he left to hang out with Barett for the rest of the night... so that leaves me here home alone.. I started downloading Starcraft 2. And 60$ later, its downloading soo friggen slow !!! lol. but anyway... as I started downloading guess who calls??? none other then Miss Emily T... she wants to "go for a drive" later on... I guess she has a family dinner thing 2night, then she wants to come see me.... I'm not quite nervous yet... but when she calls me to tell me shes on her way, im sure I'll be pretty nervous.... Im pretty sure I know whats coming tho... she's going to leave me... I know thats what she's thinking... that Im just not combatable with her... we just can't get it... I really wanted to make this thing work between us,, but I just don't know if its possible anymore... maybe some time apart would make us both realize what we had.... I dunno,, but I do know I'll be writting in this shortly after we talk.... but yeah,,, for now, I think im just going to sit and chill,,, and wait for her to call me... so till the next time....
L8a Days...

who knew, 3 days in a row...

Yup,, either Im just really bored and stuff, or I just have lots of time on my hands cuz Em and I arent together anymore... So yeah,,, its been like 3 days since I've heard from her... getting kinda concerned...still not too sure what I think about this whole thing... I really do love the girl, but I just don't know if we're meant to be together or not... we get along great, but theres just those little things that we dissagree on.... but yeah, Its Thursday... I didnt' work today cuz it was raining... and I've been up since 10:30 and I've done nothing at all!!! still haven't ate... haven't gotten dressed... yup, pretty much did nothing but sit on this stupid computer.... and Im still not too sure how im going to get to this wedding 2morrow... if I have to work, which it looks like i'll have to, I'll work til proll 3-4-5ish,, and everyone is leavign at noon to get there.... I guess its a 2ish hour drive from town,,, so I may have to miss this wedding, which would suck alot! anyway, I'll figure it out.
Anyway... I just figured I'd do alittle post here just incase I didnt' get a chance to later... although it looks like im going to be doing nothing all day and night! So yeah,, till maybe later....
L8a Days...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

another day...

So i woke up this morning at 5:25 AM... dad and I drove mom and sara to the airport, then dad dropped me off at work at 6:15... worked at the DVA till 11ish,, then me and 2 others went to Bedeque to do a little job there... so that was ok... then we finished up at around 3:30 or so, got back to the shop at around 4,,, Alyre gave me a lift to Daves place in Browns Court...chilled there for a while with Rob,,, and could not find a ride back to cornwall,,, Till Charlotte talked to me on facebook,,,, then she offered me a lift home,,, so like a sucker, I took it... so that was cool, she gave me a lift home and I chilled here for a bit till 7:30ish, then Dave and I went to his place in town again, with Tommy, and watched a bunch of Simpsons episodes... Then we all got tired so we came back home,, and now im going to go to bed....Still haven't heared from Emily yet,, that kinda really sucks... but yeah, different story for a different day... till later
L8a Days...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Well, long time... , so im not even going to bother doing any kind of a recap,,, just going to talk about the here and now, and work forward... im not going to say that I'm going to try to start writting in this every day like I always do, and never do it... Im just going to write now, cuz I'm bored and have pretty much nothing else to do...
So here it is July 27th 2010.... I working with a roofing company, doing alright... starting to get some good hours again,,, finally getting an ok pay.... and getting a pretty good tan too.... I'm still living at home(Lame I know) but thats gonna half change next month when I share a room with Dave in browns for 1 month,,, its nothing special, its just a shorter bike ride to work in the morning and afternoon... I'm not too sure if I still have a girlfriend or not,,,, things have been really shaky for a few weeks now, and just 2 days ago when she dropped me off at home, we pretty much broke up,,, then yesturday I went to go see her at lunch on my lunch break, and she looked awful,,, then I txted her on my next break and asked her if I should give her some space, and she simply replied " i need some time".... so I haven't heard from her today at all, and I very highly doubt I'll be hearing from her for a few weeks... she has a family "reunion" thing starting this weekend, runnig through to the second week of Augest.. so I'm thinking that if she does decide to get get back to me, it won't be will mid to late Augest.... so that kinda sucks alot,... but I'm really not to sure what to think about this whole thing,,, cuz we kinda had issues since the beggining, but it just never stopped us,,, just slowed us down I guess... SO I really won't be sureprised in the slightest if she does get back to me sometime and say that she wants nothing to do with me ever again....
So yeah,, thats pretty much all thats going on right now... I could go on about a million other things,,, but for now, im going to grab Dave and go for a little nature walk/bike ride, and go for a smoke to clear my head... be back early 2night tho, as I have to be at work for 6:30 2morrow morning... so Till the next time...
L8a Days...