Tuesday, January 17, 2012

good day thus far

So its only 4:43 PM, and I already did half an hour on the elliptical, half an hour on the stationary bike, and I just now got back from a good 4 and a half km hike with Tucker. Good Cardio day today already!!! Plus I'm planning on going to the pool 2night for another hour!, and I'm not even sore yet! this is great! I hope I'm not jynxing anything, but I'm feeling great and loving it! I can't wait to Spar 2morrow night!!! Gonna go hard and rock the shit outta everyone!! Yeah, so thats about all my updates for 2day... yesterday was pretty good too,,,, I also did half an hour on the elliptical and the bike,,, but no hike... although I did go at the punching bag for a good half an hour too... maybe i'll do that here soon, before the pool.... I dunno, I'll try to post later if I think of it... till the next time...
L8a Days...

Friday, January 13, 2012

quick update

So its Friday night.. I worked all day, and just caught the last half hour of kick boxing 2night. but then I did 9 or 10 rounds with the guys after.,.,. so it was pretty good... my fucking leg is still sore tho! I kinda hurt it on Wednesday on sparring night... Brett and I were sparring, and he just kept nailing me with those friggen leg kicks.... so anyway, it was sore still 2night,,,and the few leg kicks I did take 2night, hurt a lot... so I'm kinda glad I'm missing Sundays class, and won't have to spar till next wednesday... gotta recouperate ya know..... Anyway,, I'm not doing as much cardio as I'd like.. I try to do roughly an hour a day, but lately I'm using excuses like going on a hike,,, or doing the stairs a lot at work... I dunno, I'm getting lazy, and I know I gotta stop that shit... only 42 days away!!!! Fuck,.... Yup, gotta start training hardcore.... Anyway, thats all I got for now... I gotta go to sleep... working another 12 2morrow.... and the next day.... So yeah,,, till later....
L8a Days...

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Starting Fresh

Yeah I know, long time, whatever, I'm just gonna go from now....

So here it is the 8th, almost 9th of January 2012.... 47 days till my next kickboxing fight.... Getting pretty excitted, I gotta say.... I want to win a belt so bad this year!!!! I only just started in the past 3 days my training... But so far its going pretty well... I just gotta keep on track and do at least an hour of cardio every day... thats going to be one of my goals for this training period. Spar 3 times a week, pad work twice... yeah this should be a good training time... 5 of us going to Nationals this year... all guys to,.. Of corse I'm one of the 2 smallest guys. Ryan is the only one smaller than me, and only by 5lbs. But yeah, I think we should do alright this year! I plan on kicking some serious ass anyway... like I said earlier, I really want a belt this year! I'm signing up for all 3 classes! lol, may not be the greatest idead to try K1, but whatever, we'll see what happens... SO yeah, gonna be my first K1 bout, and first Full Contact fight... not to sure what to think about either... hopefully I can limit myself to their rules... that may be an adjustment, but again, we'll have to see....
Anyway, Kickboxing class was good today... sparred a good prolly 10 rounds after class with all the fighters. 4 rounds with shawn, 2 with Brett, 2 with Mark, 1 with Ryan.... got peppered with some good combos from Shawn, also took a nice leg kick from Mark, but I returned a flush face kick later on in the round... Also threw a wicked leg sweep at Shawn and knocked him off of his feet.... that was pretty cool.... But yeah, I'm pretty sore now.... actually, I'm going to head to bed... thats what I was going to do before I decided to do this... So yeah, I'm going to try to document my training as much as possible on this,,,, for future reference and stuff..... Anyway, we'll see how well I can keep on it... so till the next time.....
l8a days...