Monday, June 13, 2011

Long time no post...

I know... I know... its been a while!!!! But I've actually been pretty busy!!! well, more so recently, but yeah... been busy.... I had april and may off from work... so that was kinda shitty,. for money anyway,, but time wise it was awesome!!!! Loved having all that time to myself!!! And speaking of... I'd like to go on a little rant here.....
So Emily and I were talking the other night,,, I can't overly remember how we got on the subject, but we got to the point where we were talking about how social she is, and how unsocial I am.... And she went on about how she couldn't understand how I like to be anti-social.... and honestly,,, I don't know how she likes being social!?!?!? Like really... even as I sat down and had supper with my own family, I realized that like 90% of the things we humans talk about, it totally useless!!! Like totally!!! Really tho, like there was no usefull information that I needed to hear from anyone today... DO we as humans really need to talk about our jobs, or our insurance, or how crappy our car is running that day... Like really, its not that I don't care,,, its that if it has nothing to do with me, and I can't do anything to "make the situation better", whats the point??? am I supposed to feel sorry for you? or what??? Like Sara went on a rant today about how she wants us to make supper for her because she makes it for us like once a week... and of corse Dave and I stepped up and said stuff like " Well sara,,, I don't know if you know this, but I can actually make supper for myself... like Im not totally dependent on someone else to feed me and take care of me... I don't need someone to watch over me and make sure I get my meals in and shit... Uhh... anyway,, straying from my original topic... But yeah,,, I dunno.... Sometimes I just think that I could easily just go somewhere on my own and survive... I don't need all these technologies, and people, or anything,,, I just don't need it... and I hate how society is all so based on it!!! Like no one can survive on their own anymore.... I almost wish that we all just spoke different languages and we couldn't communicate to each other.... ahh... well, I'm frustrating myself now... I don't even know what I wanted to get out here... just had to write something I guess.... Anyway,,, I'm gonna end this one now,, I know its a shitty blog.. but I just wanted to have something written down.....
I'll try to write a bit more,,,, Keep my summer kinda organized and stuff.... but yeah, i'll try to write at least once a week from now on,, hopefully more, but we'll see what happens....
So yeah for now thats it,, just gonna chill for a bit, then the hockey game starts at 9 I'm told... so yeah,,, thats it for now....
till later

L8a Days...