Tuesday, September 19, 2006

In Edmonton...

WOw, extremly long time no blog....Well, this is gonna be short, considering im only waitinganother 10 mins till my laundrys done.... Then im heading to bed!!! ANyway, Jarod and I arrived here fine...Working and stuff..... Uhh,,, Yeah our first paychecks gonna be on this friday... Really lookin forward to that!,... Dave comes next week, infact 1 week from 2day.... Uhhh, then in 2 weeks and 2 days, Jake and Brad get here... shit we gotta find aplace to live by then.... But yeah, thats things to come... Hopefully i'll have a computor of my own by November... thats my plan for now anyways,.....But anyway, Im heading out now, so till the next time... L8a days...

Friday, September 01, 2006

WOw, long time no write...

Yup, 2day is officially September 1st!!!! Shit yeah!!! 5 days left till Jarod and I leave!!! And man, we're both soo stoaked its not even funny!!!! But yeah thats in 5 days..... lets see, whats happened in the past 24 days...

Well lets see here.... Uhh Dave and I made a trip to Tonys new place in Halifax... that was pretyt damn cool!!! We went to his place on friday, and stayed till Sunday... Shit what a good tiem, we didnt really even do anything, we stayed in the house most of the 3 days, and just got super baked and played video games.... Man those brownies were fuckign good!!! ANyway, yeah that was last weekend,....

Umm lets see what else here... Uhh I finished work yesturday!!! Im supposed to work 5-close 2night, but Its my last fuckign weekend, and im not blowing it at work...f uck that...... SO yeah... and Tony came back to PEI last night, left this mronign, but we had a good time last night!!! Tony, Sara, Dave and I all went to Dooleys for a good hour or so last night... It was pretty cool, just the 4 of us playing pool getting a good snap on. but yeah, that was thatso....

Man, IM really trying to think of cool shit I've done in the past month, but realy, nothings comin to me. thats mostly why I wanna head out to Edmonton sooo badly now... PEI sucks, theres nothign left here for me anymore... Its just not my place... OHHH yeah!!! Sara is heading to Ottawa 2morrow morning.... Shes gonna be living htere from now on I guess.. Good for her. but anyway the important thing here is that Mom and Dad are driving her and leavign 2morrow morning at like 6AM!!!, so you know what that means./...Dave and I are gonna have the hugest going away party 2morrow night its not even funny!!! Shit yeah,s o I cant wait for that! it should be a pretty damn good time... But yeah, other then that, I cant really think of anything else to say. so as of that, IM gonna head out... L8a days...