Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mothers day....

SO I went to church with my parents 2day.... LOL that was interesting, I kinda didnt even mind going, just cuz I rolled up my sleeves the second I sat down with my rents, and when I went up for communion everyone would have seen them, it rocked!, so yeah, then after church the rents went to summerside to see my grandmother, Sara is,,, I dunno where, and Dave is in town at the house... I went for a little bike ride earlyer to westwood. Had a nice little session there, man, the old memories of that place was awsome!!! shit yeah, My buddies and I are definetly going to have to go back there again sometime... But yeah, then Ironically enough I met Kyle Gallager there!!!! Talked to him for a sec, told him Dave and I were home and shit.. so yeah I might meet up wtih him sometime this summer. Then yeah I came here , played some StarCraft for a bit, now im just blarin the music like usual... ANyway, Im gonna see if Pat and them are home yet, fuck they werent there when Ichecked twice already 2day... Anyway, l8a days...


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