Monday, May 08, 2006

This is why I didnt miss PEI

Uhh, I guess I could blame it on PEI being soo small and you can actuelly see the same person 2 days apart but fuck, .... Uhh if you dont know what im talking about its mainly this..."Everyone has a beef with everyone~~!!! You cant talk to someone about another person without coming across atleast 1 or 2 ppl that they hate. Like what the fuck, just give it up, lets all get along!!! Shit man!!! Like off the top of my head I've heard atleast 3 differnt ppl in different circumstances that arent allowed at other ppls places... Like what the fuck man? Lets just get the fuck along and move on past this little shit... I dont even know what most of these ppls problems are... Like fuck, your hanging out with one person and you both have nothign to do so you decide to ask if they want to go to "so and so's house" then they say, "ohh well, im not allowed in that place anymore... Like what? why not? what the fuck? Ppl need to let shit slide, like . uhhh, anyway, its very frustrating when you want to hang out with all your old friends and then when your with one, find out that you cant go see certain ppl.. It really sucks! uhh anyway, im kinda flustered,,, I'm going to try to find something to do... l8a days.....


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