Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Graduation night....

Well..... Now that graduation night is over im pretty content. At the beginning I wasnt looking forward to it, but not im prety toasted, having a good munch on, then gonna go to bed and sleep in till when ever the fuck I want, should be a good time, but on to my night....Well, it started out with me being woken up by Kim Macnevin at around 8:15Am. She was all upset because she lost her wallet at grad party and was wondering if I saw it. And of corse I had NO IDEA!!!! Like what? I didnt know what it looked like, she didnt say anthing the whole time I was there, and I left before she did that mornign. But anyway,m after that I cut the grass, pretty good time. Listened to music, and got some good old fasion excercise. Then went to sleep till around 5:30ish then went to my graduation ceremony there, fucking BORING!!!, I mostly pl;ayed games on my phone, but anyway... After that I went home and nothing happened. I opened my graduation presents from my parents, my grand mother, and my aunt. Turned out to be 240$$ altogether, which was awsome!!!, 5 of it went to Pat. to which I owed him, 20 for some marijuana that I wanted to smoke!!, So I did that with Pat and one of his friends, then played Mario Golf on Game Cube, pretty sweet, then I biked home and now im ehre munchin out, haveing a good time, Except that Laura didnt call me 2ngiht, and she left work early. I dont knwo whats going on, but I hope shes ok, but anyway, i'llprolly talk to her 2morrow, andyways, l8a days... wait, I just thought of something... she had to do some "responsible server corse thing 2day, maybe she left work early for it.... Anyway, just a ranfom thought at the end, sorry my bad...


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