Thursday, March 10, 2011

Alright, been a few days now...

OK,,, so here it is at 2:11 Am... Emily left prolly closer to 45 mins ago... but I couldn't sleep... didn't sleep for the last hour she was here anyway.... and to tell ya the truth,I'm not even a little bit tired now.... shit.... OK,,, heres the plan.. Im gonna go to the bathroom, and smoke a few bats.... then I'll come back here and try to do a little update of whats been going on since my last blog... that blog being on the 2nd of March... So yeah.. off to the smoke.. be back in a few 2:13....


Alright... 2:22.... I'm back... So where was I??? Alright.. Not too sure where I was,,, but I'm just going to start with this cuz its what I'm thinking about right now....
Its March 10th right now... 2:24 AM... Where does the time go???like really? Its march 10th already!?!? thats just crazy..... march 10th.... march 10th...
So April 16th is Newfoundlands tournament... Still not sure if I'm in that for sure yet or not... But I sure hope so!!! I know I haven't been training very much lately,, and I've been eating like shit!,, but I would really love to get into this event!!! I know its close enough away that I could whip back into shape in no time... and maybe this time I would actually prepare a lot more!!! Like holy crap man! I must have watched the video of my fight at least 3 dozen times now.... and every time I watch it, I think differently on it. Like the first few times I saw it I thought I did so shitty!!!, then the next few times I thought it wasn't to bad... then other times I'd watch just my moves and what I did... then the next I'd do the same for him.... and yeah,, basically now when I watch it, I don't really know what to think.... I know I could do a lot better then what I did... but at the same time,, I guess I really didn't do that bad.... Like I was pretty damn sloppy by those last 2 rounds,,, but still, I was swinging away!!! I really gotta start working my techniques a lot more,, and learning to keep my hands up even when I'm totally exhausted... and throw more kicks, and dodge more... UHHH,,, so many things I need to work on!!! and such little time....
OK, so I'm done with the kickboxing for now.... What else is going on here.... Well Miss Emily T I guess...... hmmm, what do I have to say about this.... I'm not to sure what I want to say right now.... I can tell you that things are going surprisingly well right now.... We're getting along great.. and we're actually planning on doing a winter camping excursion in a week and a few days... I'm really really looking forward to this!!!! Not only because I love the outdoors and doing camping trips and stuff... but doing it with Em is going to be fun... I think/hope... I'm pretty sure it will be tho!! So we're planning on going out Friday after work on the 18th,,, Hiking as far as we can till we know we have enough time to set up camp before it gets to dark... Then yeah,, settle in for the night... then the next day I guess we're just going to make our camp super awesome,, gather fire wood,, and hike and stuff all day,,, then stay there again on saturday night... then pack up sunday morning and head out... but yeah thats pretty much the trip... and it's going to be so awesome!!! I'm super stoked if ya couldn't tell.... I'm really looking forward to this....
Uhh yeah,, what else is happening... I finally booked a date to do my drivers test.. hahah,, 23 years old and I'm just now going to get my license... So yeah, have to do some stupid training course on the 4th and 6th of next month, then do the actual test on the 7th...
Ok... I know I've been babbling about nothing for a really long time now,,, and now that I look back on it,,, this is a pretty big blog!! for 2:42 AM... I should really be sleeping.... because I'm damn sure that I'll be working tomorrow... or at least thats what the boss said this morning when I called... said I'll be working thursday and friday for sure... So yeah... with that,,, I think I'll be signing off now... SO yeah,,, tomorrow work... then I dunno,, I was thinking on going to trivia,,, but if I have to work on friday for sure, I should prolly stay in on thursday... and work out... eat good and stufff...... ahh well, I'll figure it out tomorrow.... So yeah,,, Till then,,,,

L8a Days...


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