Yeah, soo what, I smoked yesturday....
So I cracked.... It wasnt even cracked, I just felt like doing it and I figured well why the fuck not? I kinda wanted to do it by myself just so I could stop and sit and not have to think... But I dunno, I kinda missed smoking with ppl, cuz thats what we used to do, thats just what happened.... Anyway, so I sent Pat a message, and Im soo glad he called me back just before I got started, cuz he came down to Westwood with me, and we smoked, just him and I, like the old days.... We even discussed many of the old times we've had, and as perfect as it seemed, I had to write them down:P. I had my book for when I was originally going to smoke alone I was going to write down everything I thought of, but since Pat was there we talked about the old times so I wrote that down anyway.. Heres the couple of times that we talked about(the ones I could write down fast enough wihtout laughing at our sorry asses. - The time that Pat and I smoked just him and I out of this bong that I bought for Jamison as a joke for christmas(its this bong that is shaped exactly like a huge penis, the balls is the chamber and everything, its a gay ass bong, but man the hits you get from it are HARSH) Anyway, we were smoking it outside behind the bushes where we used to cuz we were soo secretive about smoking back then. lol ohh the good old days... anyway, a car pulled into his drive way just as we finished, and of corse we thought it was the cops. So we hid the bong in some snow and then RAN!!!! and once we got soo far we thought.... "wait we prolly shouldnt leave that there, but how are we gonna take it? cuz I dont want to be holding a penis bong walking down the street to my house...." so we stood there for a while, stoned out of our minds trying to think of something... then I turned around to look back to where we hid it and Pat said... " Man!! you have a kitbag on your back!!!!" So we laughed our asses off at ourselves for prolly a half an hour so till we went back and got the bong and put it in my kitbag, and by that time the car that we thought was a cop(which ended up to just be Anna) had left, so it was all pointless anyway... but that was just one of the many adventures of Matt, Pat, and weed. lol of the many spectacular times we never woudl of had if we never started to smoke weed.... Im soo glad we did..... -Time number 2 we talked about, which I dont fully remmember, but Pat thought it was fucking awsome was when we first started smoking weed we only did it at Ryans place cuz his dad was usually never home so we never had to worry about gettign caught.... Anyway, I think it was Jamison, Jarod, Pat, Ryan, Craigh, and I who were there (Ryan and Craig oviously didnt smoke but still) And we just got in from smoking(prolly not much, maybe ajoint or 2 between the 4 of us) and we got inside and we just started talking about god knows what and someone got up to walk somewere or something, and they fell, like clean right over and hit the ground, and we all just BURST out laughing!!! Like beyond histarically laughing, like running out of breath till you choke, then when you get a bit of air you still laugh your ass off... Anyway we laughed for soo fucking long that time.... anyway, it was great.... - Anyway, the last thing I have written down was "how cool would it be if when Pat and I return(come out of the woods after smoking) and everythign was just royally fucked up!!! like lets say, while we were in the woods, Resident Evil happened.... Everyone just turned into zombies, and all of a sudden we both had to fight for our lives... That thought crossed my mind because my fate would be decided for me, I'd have to fight for my life every day for how ever long it took. I'd love that because thered be no other choice, and I'd have one of the strongest ppl I know to back me up, and I him. I think we could have done it. but yeah that was that... it was cool...

Anyway, I put this picture in just cuz its the only one I have of me and Pat, and as you can tell this was... jesus, I dont even know how long ago, Ohh wait, I only had dreds for 2 months, and that was teh summer of grade 11-12, So it was either July or Augest of last year.... so yeah, thats Pat and I. Wicked times we had..... Yeah thats pretty much it so, till l8a 2day, L8a Days....

Anyway, I put this picture in just cuz its the only one I have of me and Pat, and as you can tell this was... jesus, I dont even know how long ago, Ohh wait, I only had dreds for 2 months, and that was teh summer of grade 11-12, So it was either July or Augest of last year.... so yeah, thats Pat and I. Wicked times we had..... Yeah thats pretty much it so, till l8a 2day, L8a Days....
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