Friday, October 07, 2005

Works over, DRUNKESS BEGINS!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAH, yeah, its now 1:33 AM on..... tuesday..? no friday. yeah friday.,,,, Anyayway, im kinda drunk, just a little buxzzz.... I had a pint of red beer from work after I closed form a 12 hour shift, and man it felt soo fucking good to down that. anyway, then I b ked home and chugged 3 beers in the past, ohhhhhhhhhh lets say 20 mins. So I felel DANDY!!!, thats rigth I said dandy,hahaha, anyway yeah feels damn good to get fucking wasted, and im thinking about smoking some weeed tooo. ohh god yes, weed.... I still have a bowl or so left, hmmmm yeah, chug beer, then go smoke bowl, thats a good god damn plan. well fuck man, im going to go do that..hahahahahahhahahahaha, brbb. ohhhhh wait, I made stuffed crust pizza 2night, fuck im awspome, and Joey says Im worthless. WELL FUCK YOU JOEY, im a god damn good cook when I want to be. but yeah, back too the bowl smoking/... WOw, I only have enough for one bowl left, man, IM gonna enjoy this... WAIt, Im gonna put on my new pants to smoke this, hahah man, tehese pants are sweet..sooo many pockets... soo warm.... waterproof....

OHHH GOD~!!!!!!!!!, I FUCKING LOVE WEED. Like wow, as much as I can say I dont miss weed, and Ican go a long tim without it, I fucking love it!!! Like wow. I just smoked a fair sized bowl to myself on the deck, and it was kinda old weed in a goodly airlocked bag, and it was busted up like a mofo, as well as a good top layer of hippie crack on top( Now for you who dont know Hippie Crack is the really finely grinded up weed or "Crystals" from the weed that collect up at the blenders sharp edges. Thats where my blender comes in very handy. It has 1 on each side of a good 3 cmish sharp edges. Aswell as where the buttom pushes down...(there is 2 sides to this about the same lenght(3cm)) .
Ohhh< im soo stoned that I tottaly lost control of what I was saying there, and now I have no idea to finish what ever I just said.Wait, No I cants evne remember what I was tal,ing about, thats why.... Ohh man....
Head phones....
Arch Enemy.


Anyway.,,,,, its now 1:59AM. .... Yeah, Im thinking maybe some push ups, and situps., then shower., then chug last beer
but wait. ONLY have soo much stonedness..... and I dont wanna get aht shitty beer taste when I still have weed taste. Fuck I hate how some ppl say that they hate the taste of your mouth right after you smoke. Like when you get teh pasteys, well sorta... Anyway, yeah like if you dont eat anything after yuou smoke, I think you'd like it after a while. I kinda do anyway, but yeah, Im gonna stay up till when ever the fuck I want, LIke fuck, whhy the fuck not? I only work at 5 2Morrow... Man if I wasnt stoned I'd be typing soo badly right now. Its just cuz im stoned that im using backspace. Cuz right now, Im sooo fucking drunk and STONED!@!!, its FANTASTIC. anyway fuck, fuckikng addam is talking.. sec...Anyway.. fucking way...

Welll. I just listened to Joey Jordison(The drummer from SLIPKNOT) Anyway, hes fucking amazing, I have a drumsolo, and its fucking unreal!!. ask me to send it to ya...

Its true, you only need 4 hours of sleep a night. Trust me. sometiesm I get less then that and im fine the next day.

Ohh man, its now 3:36Am.. and I just put on the new socks I bought,. man they feel good, I mgiht just run to the store... jmmm


MAN!!! THeses New Socks are the shit!!! fuclk man they're wicked, I just wore them for teh bike ride down tot he store and man, thye're worth the 15$$ I paid for 2 pair. anyway, food time

OK,.. sao im bored, im going to listen to music for the next while, and explain why I like this song, and what it reminds me of/wher I got it from.... 4:02
-Blow me Away- Breaking Benjamin. It reminds me of Tony because he told me the name of the song and to download it. But it also reminds me of Halo 2, cuz its the theme song for the second halo. BUt I find the words are really good in it, LIke "I'll be the one to save us alll" its good for the halo, but yeah. fuck im too stoned, fine., "Only the strongest will survive"good quotes,.,,,,,chip and dip

Rise Against - Anywere but here... good song, when I think of anything from Rise Against I think of Megan Landry. Shes a really fucking cool smart kid. I kinda miss her actuelly to think of her right now. fuck, im gonna write her an e-mail right now... brb.,...An MSN messgae at the leaste.

White zombie - Kenny, what can I say besides Kenny,.....

Children of Bodom - Bodom Beach Terror. This song really reminds me of James Gallant from work because hes the only perosn in the world who would know of, plus he has like everyone of thier CD's, but my friends Phill Dykerman (one of the many great Dykermans) suggested to download of the great "tunes". Yeah, Great great band. im glad those 2 ppl showed me them...

System of A Down - chop Suey.... I dunno relaly, I just downloaded it, and I cant really rmemeber why... wait, that crazy wierd video that Adam showed me ealyer.... ohh yeah check this crazy "drummer" out.
There try that.... so yeah.

The All American rejects - StraightJacket feeling.... Morgan. Thats all I can really say, this song reminds me of Morgan, well, and Laura, uhh I dont want to get started on music that reminds of me of Laura, cuz when ever I hear them in life, I'll always remember them..... thats why I want her to download a playlist on my comp sometime, so some day I can listne it it and it'll all remind me of her.... yeah so.. thast hat song.. before I get carried away....

Grady... Phill Dykerman again, that kids fucking wicked!!!!!!!!

Well, i tottaly forgot what I was doijg, but right now im looking at myu pictures and they're fuckling wicked!!!!!! i'd post some, but im fucking laz,y, sooo lazy infact im going to bed. l8a days.,,,,


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