Friday, September 16, 2005

Just random happy shit for once...sorta....

SO wow, I woke up this morning on Neales couch at the place in town. I stayed there last night cuz I didnt want to bike home. So Chris, Neale, his girlfriend, Evan, and Tommy were there. they were all drinkign and going to the bar. So we watched Evans video on his skydive(bastard for not inviting me!) then they all left for the bars, so I a shower and shit and eventuelly they came back and said they couldnt get in cuz Chris didnt have his ID. so they all chilled with me for a while till Evan went home, then we all jsut went to sleep. So yeah, that was my night last night, but wow, this morning....I went to work pretty straight, considering I only smoked like half a joint at like 12 the night before(I forgot to mention Chris,Tommy and I smoked a joint). SO yeah I went to work and for some reason all these old memorries of shit came to me. Well I think it kinda started last night, it was wierd but for some reason Emily came to see me at work. We only talked for like 2 mins cuz I had fucking orders. But yeah she got me thinking bout the time where I went out with her, and now that I think about it, that time frame was the best year of my life. Like grade 11 was prolly one of the best years, (besides grade 8, nothing beats grade 8). LIke grade 11 man, I had Jarod as my bestest friend( we were the closest 2 friends ever, hes been the best of my best friends) , And Jamison, Pat, and Ryan were all with us, we had a sweet little group, fuck what good days..... Yeah, so I dunno, I just had a lot of little memories with each of my friends, then I thought of the best times we all had 2gether and stuff. I guess if I relaly wanted to I'd write them all down, just as they come to me, like the time Jamison and I smoked a boul then walked back to school to find Mr. MacIsacc(the Principal) waiting for us and brought us to his office. Fuck, I still dont know how Jamison his 3 grams in his pocket. ANyway, thats prolly Jamisons Finest moment by far. fuck man, Then the million times Jarod and I have had! Fuck, I cant even count the amount of times that him and I smoked weed 2gether. we'd go anywere, and smoke. then... walked somewere else, met ppl, or did something, skateboarded, Hacked, what ever, and smoked. thats all we did all year grade 11, and the summer of. Fuck, Every day with jarod was his finest moment. Im glad we had that time, and as much as I say if I could go back and decide to not smoking pot, I dont hitnk I would just because of the times Jarod and I had, I dotn think i'd be the same person I am 2day if jarod and I never started to smoke weed. Uhh, I cant go on about this, i'll just want to go smoke with Jarod again, and he doesnt smoke anymore,, so what would I do then?Fuck I wish times didnt change and ppl change, I liked everything the way it was. Uhh, fuck it, theres not a god damn thing I can do about time.... Lets see, Pats finest moment..... Well, we've had many good talks just him and I when we smoked. Fuck, I guess Pat and I have smoked a lot just the 2 of us to, not half as much as jarod and I, but still. me and Pat smoked a lot. and we always ended up talking about girls, just cuz we were the only one swho kinda dated girls in our group, Jarod dindt really do the girl thing till around grade 12, and Jamison, I dunno really, has he started yet,lol. But yeah, Pat and I were kinda more serious about things , thats what I liked about Pat, he was kinda more "mature" I guess youd say, still the coolest guy I know, and the prolly the most loyal still, to this day. Hmmm, Ryan and I had more good tiems 2gether in grade 10, sadly I know the reason why we kinda slowed down in hanging out 2gether, it was because of me smoking weed, man, I know that guy woudl be soo much fun if he ever decided to smoke weed, fuck hes the smartest mofo I know, and its prolly cuz he doesnt touch the drugs or alcohol, hes too smart for that shit. But yeah, I dunno, Ryans just a really cool guy, we just need to hang out with him more often and get him out of his house, , Someday he'll be set loose on the world, it will be a glorious day, lol, now I just sound dumb, anyway.... Yeah, I dunno what really else to talk about, I know this is prolly a wierd blog compared to the last couple, but for some reason right now im kinda happy, its wierd bu kinda cool, I feel like not smoking weed anymore just for the health reasons and shit, and how much i'd like to quit drugs, and start working out, i'd love to get really in shape, and It really wouldnt be hard, im just too fucking lazy, and thats cuz of the drugs, so fuck, its hard to try to stop, but I know i'll do it sometime soon, hopefully really soon actuelly, but yeah,. I think thats pretty much it, im gonna go check on my laundry, then see if Adams ready to leave yet or not, SO yeah, till later, L8a Days....


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