Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Well, I couldnt think of a title for this blog, cuz Im really just going to rant about random shit, well sorta I gotta make a phone call back to PEI at 6, infact, I should prolly get heading now..... But fuck it...
So I Jarod wrote me back!!!!!! Got a nice little update from him bout his new place and stuff,,, sounds like hes doing well!!! ROCK ON!
Anyway,,, Things are going to get really complicated really fast I think.... Why does this always happen? things start off soo well, nice and easy, And then,,, all these choices and dicisions.... Fuck,, Anyway, When I was walking out of work 2day, Dale(head boss) was posting a notice on the bulletin board saying anyone who wants to do the night shift(4PM-2AM) can do so and will get a 5$ raise! SO...... Dave and I are going to do that as soon as we get his god damn car fixed! Fuck, 17$$ an hour wouldnt be bad at all, lol, fucking awsome I mean.... But yeah, thats not really a hard choice at all.... The hard part is.... My supervisor/boss Quy asked me if he left innotec, and he could get me a job with him, if I'd go... Of corse this isnt for sure yet, and I dotn even know what the job is.... But he said it would be well worth it($$$$). So,, i'll have to look into that... BUT.... If I do that, Id feel really bad about leaving in like 3 months to go back to PEI.... SO i'd prolly just end up staying here in Edmonton , and not go back at all...... Quy also said that this is a really good oppertunity, and I could make a career out of it.... so.... I dont know what to think now..... Uhh,,, then the whole Jarod thing about going to see him in the summer comes in to play, and I really want to see him aswell as the rest of the old gang sometime.... Uhhhh,,, Fuck, I'lll see how everything works out... Im sure I'll make the rong dicision like always.... But .... but nothing I guess....
Ohh yeah, something I was going to mention a fucking long time ago, but i've been forgetting every day since I got back up here.... MUSIC!!!!! Fuck, I downloaded a few songs by Anberlin, The Used, and a few others that I cant think of off the top of my head.... But yeah, its wierd cuz Every time I listen to anything by Anberlin it always reminds me of Laura... I know its still pathetic how im still a big hung up on her but what ever... Anyway, back to the song. Its wierd cuz I've never heard any of Anberlins songs outside of Lauras car,,,, so the second a song starts I just space out and all I can see is the inside of her car, just her and I, sitting and talking like we always did..... man, what is rong with me? I know its all over, and im dead sure shes not going to want to talk to me again,,, yet I still cant get her out of my head,,, Does that make any sence at alll? Ahh well fuck it... Anyway, Its like 6 now, so Im going to get going, I know theres something IM forgetting, but I'll try to write an other blog either friday or saturday,,, hopefully sometime next week at the latest... Anyways, L8a days...


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